Doctors later discovered he had a benign tumour on his pituitary gland that was causing his body to produce uncontrolled amounts of growth hormone. 后来医生发现乔尔森的下垂体上的一个良性肿瘤导致身体分泌了过多的生长激素。
The magnetic field is created around the pineal gland, by focusing the mind on the midway point between the pineal gland and the pituitary body. 靠在松果体和脑垂体之间的中点集中意念,松果体周围产生磁场。
This force then flows into the pituitary, from whence, being now in purified form, it flows downward, cleansing and strengthening body and mind. 这种力量接着流入脑垂体,在这里,它处于净化形式,它向下流,净化和强化身体和意识。
The thymus gland becomes the master gland that monitors all ascension chemicals as they flow through the brain stem from the pituitary gland and into the body. 胸腺成为掌控腺体,监控所有的提升化学物质从垂体流经脑干到身体。
The release of ACTH by the pituitary gland at the base of the brain is driven by a third hormone that is activated by the body's master clock. 身体的主时钟基础状态下激活另外一种激素刺激由脑垂体释放ACTH。
For those of you more familiar with your inner realms, we suggest you imagine that the area of your pituitary gland is a white lotus flower floating on a still and infinite body of pure water. 对于你们之中更加熟悉你们内在领域的人们,我们建议你们将你们的脑垂体区域想象成是一朵白色的莲花,漂浮在纯净之水的静寂和无限的水面上。
The major glands of the endocrine system are the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroids, adrenals, pancreas, pineal body, and the reproductive organs ( ovaries and testes). 内分泌系统主要的腺体有下视丘、脑下垂体、甲状腺、副甲状腺、肾上腺、胰脏、松果腺及生殖器官(卵巢及睾丸)。
When a correct relationship is established between personality, operating through the pituitary body, and the soul, operating through the pineal gland, a magnetic field is created. 当个人之间建立恰当的关系时,通过脑垂体和灵魂的运作,通过松果体运作时候,就产生了一个磁场。
Doctors believe Jyoti is a pituitary dwarf, which is caused when the body fails to produce enough growth hormone. 医生认为她患有垂体性侏儒症,是由身体未能分泌足够的成长激素引起的。
Objective: We investigated the growth hormone content in human fetal pituitary and the growth of body. 目的:为探讨不同胎龄人胎垂体生长激素含量变化与胚胎生长发育的关系。
The cells of the gland of pituitary body in treatment group increased more than OVX control group but there were more cells just like the castration cell. 脑垂体中腺垂体细胞较模型组明显增多,与正常组相似,但仍有较多细胞似去势细胞,胞浆内有小空泡,内含粉红色分泌物。
The data suggest that the β-EP contained in pituitary release to blood in hot environment and that the β-EP contained in pituitary play an important role in the respone of the body to hot environment. 提示:热环境可引起垂体向血中释放大量β-EP,垂体β-EP在机体对外界高温的反应中具有重要作用。